Tuesday 16 February 2021

Opinion: Simone Biles penalized for having skills other gymnasts can't pull off

Opinion: Simone Biles penalized for having skills other gymnasts can't pull off

Simone Biles is the last person international gymnastics officials should be using to try and make a point. In an effort to deter other gymnasts from trying skills they are not physically capable of doing, the International Gymnastics Federation watered down the value of a new element Biles plans to do at the world championships. That’s right. Penalize the reigning world and Olympic champion, who is almost cautious when it comes to adding difficulty, for the potential recklessness of others.
Read more: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/nancy-armour/2019/10/04/gymnastics-simon-biles-penalized-championships-being-too-good/3866255002/?source=Snapzu

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