Tuesday 20 September 2016

In 'Jerusalem,' Nothing You've Ever Lost Is Truly Gone

In 'Jerusalem,' Nothing You've Ever Lost Is Truly Gone

For some comics fans, Alan Moore is basically a god. He's the media-shy and magnificently bearded writer of comics like Watchmen, V for Vendetta and From Hell — though if you've only ever seen the movies, please, I implore you: Read the books. Recently, Moore said he's stepping back from comics to focus on other projects — like his epic new novel, Jerusalem. It's full of angels, devils, saints and sinners and visionaries, ghost children and wandering writers, all circling his home town of Northampton, England.
Read more: http://www.npr.org/2016/09/18/494287211/in-jerusalem-nothing-youve-ever-lost-is-truly-gone?source=Snapzu

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