Monday 17 January 2022

‘Saturday Night Live’ Gives ‘Family Matters’ A Dark, Dramatic Twist With Urkel-Centered Peacock Series

‘Saturday Night Live’ Gives ‘Family Matters’ A Dark, Dramatic Twist With Urkel-Centered Peacock Series

Saturday Night Live gave Peacock a pitch for a new Family Matters reboot, just after the NBC streamer dropped a trailer for its dramatic Fresh Prince series Bel-Air. The trailer-like sketch features sweeping clips of Chicago, that follow a slightly familiar figure donning bright stripes through seedy streets. Chris Redd then appears as the beloved Family Matters nerd Steve Urkel, who was played by Jaleel White in the original series. Instead of his cheery attitude, Redd’s Urkel takes on a more cynical view of the world. As do other characters from the family comedy.
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