Tuesday 18 May 2021

The ‘Charlie bit my finger’ video is being auctioned as an NFT — then deleted ‘forever’

The ‘Charlie bit my finger’ video is being auctioned as an NFT — then deleted ‘forever’

The creators of the classic “Charlie bit my finger - again !” video are now auctioning it off as an NFT, but with a twist. At the end of the auction, which will begin on May 22nd, the original video will be deleted from YouTube forever, according to a press release, where it currently has over 880 million views. The auction will kick off on the video’s 14th anniversary.
Read more: https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/17/22437088/charlie-bit-my-finger-video-nft-deletion-youtube-auction?source=Snapzu

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