Monday 23 November 2020

With "The Siege," The Mandalorian Has Never Felt More Like Side Quests: The TV Show

With "The Siege," The Mandalorian Has Never Felt More Like Side Quests: The TV Show

Since its debut, The Mandalorian has consistently been one of the most fun and unabashedly joyous sectors of the ever-expanding Star Wars universe. A rare, much-needed space western, Jon Favreau’s Disney+ creation works on multiple levels that allows to show to be enjoyed by diehard fans and casual viewers alike (something I praised heartily after Season 2’s excellent premiere). One of the best ways it achieves that is through very episodic storytelling, which complements its weekly release schedule, revitalizing an “Adventure of the Week” genre that felt like it was on its way out of TV fashion.
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