Tuesday 30 June 2020

DirecTV Is Losing Customers Fast (And Now They Raised Prices on New Customers)

DirecTV Is Losing Customers Fast (And Now They Raised Prices on New Customers)

AT&T absolutely bled subscribers in the first quarter of 2020, even by the standards of cord-cutting that have accelerated. According to one measure, the company lost over a million video subscribers in the quarter, with DirecTV losing nearly 900,000 and AT&T Now losing about 138,000. This makes up for around half of the 2 million subscribers lost in the first quarter by major pay-TV providers in the U.S.
Read more: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland/directv-losing-customers-fast-and-now-they-raised-prices-new-customers-163729?source=Snapzu

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