Tuesday 14 May 2019

John Oliver Talks Climate Change on 'Last Week Tonight'

John Oliver Talks Climate Change on 'Last Week Tonight'

On Sunday night’s episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver joined the growing chorus of voices pointing out that we aren’t doing enough to save our planet. Oliver sounded the alarm in light of a new report on climate change from the United Nations that warns that lasting change is coming to the planet as soon as 2040. “That’s just 21 years from now,” Oliver pointed out. “By that point, Finn Wolfhard will only be 37, Ariana Grande will only be 46, and Lou Dobbs will only be dead for 30 years.”
Read more: http://time.com/5587252/john-oliver-green-new-deal-climate-change-bill-nye-last-week-tonight/?source=Snapzu

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