Tuesday 26 March 2019

Apple TV+: less a rival to Netflix, more a smug religious cult

Apple TV+: less a rival to Netflix, more a smug religious cult

If the shows on Apple’s new TV service turn out to be as smugly evangelistic, self-indulgent and editorially undisciplined as the launch event for the product, streamed from California on Monday, then it will be very bad news for Apple subscribers and very good news for Netflix, the current market leader. The boring, sprawling 100-minute broadcast ended with Apple CEO Tim Cook tearing up as he delivered a namaste to Oprah Winfrey, the last of a string of A-list contributors...
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2019/mar/25/apple-tv-plus-less-a-rival-to-netflix-more-a-smug-religious-cult-oprah-winfrey-steven-spielberg?source=Snapzu

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