Monday 14 January 2019

How 'Aquaman's' $1 billion windfall is helping to lead the box-office charge of 'B-list' superheroes

How 'Aquaman's' $1 billion windfall is helping to lead the box-office charge of 'B-list' superheroes

The age of the B-list superhero is upon us. This weekend, DC Entertainment's "Aquaman" hit the coveted $1 billion mark in global box-office receipts after less than a month — with Marvel Cinematic Universe's "Black Panther" already topping that watermark in 2018. Taken together, those 2 films underscore how the next wave of superhero movies are being steadily reshaped by lesser-known heroes who are resonating with audiences, in the process becoming vanguards of the genre's future.
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