Thursday 25 October 2018

Bad news for Marvel fans as Netflix quietly cancels 'Luke Cage' and 'Iron Fist'

Bad news for Marvel fans as Netflix quietly cancels 'Luke Cage' and 'Iron Fist'

It is a truth universally acknowledged — when a company (or politician) wants to bury an embarrassing story, it's released on Friday afternoon, after most people have tuned out for the weekend. The practice has become so widespread it even has a name: the Friday night news dump. Netflix must’ve really wanted to bury the news that it was canceling “Iron Fist” and “Luke Cage” — two of the four original TV series commissioned from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2013 — because news of the former broke first last Friday, Oct. 12 at 9 p.m. ET, and the latter didn't become widely known until this Friday night at 10 p.m. ET.
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