Tuesday 10 April 2018

Presidential historian Gil Troy: Donald Trump has committed “a crime against the American people”

Presidential historian Gil Troy: Donald Trump has committed “a crime against the American people”

Donald Trump is president of the United States by title and law. He is not president of all Americans. Trump cares only about his voters and the most enthusiastic part of his "base." He is a political cult leader. Nothing seems to matter to him but the adoration and power that comes from his followers. Public opinion polls and other research has shown that Trump's supporters are driven by racism, sexism, Christian nationalism and nativism. They hold authoritarian values, and hold America's democratic norms in contempt. All that matters is winning: Democracy be damned.
Read more: https://www.salon.com/2018/04/09/presidential-historian-gil-troy-donald-trump-has-committed-a-crime-against-the-american-people/?source=Snapzu

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