Monday 12 March 2018

‘Black Panther’ Co-Writer Says ‘Douchey and Disrespectful to Women’ Tony Stark Might Not Sit Well Today

‘Black Panther’ Co-Writer Says ‘Douchey and Disrespectful to Women’ Tony Stark Might Not Sit Well Today

During a “Superhero Science” panel Saturday afternoon at SXSW, Joe Robert Cole — who co-wrote Marvel’s “Black Panther” with director Ryan Coogler — proposed that the Trump administration and the #MeToo movement might have altered what theater-goers want in their blockbuster heroes. Responding to a question on whether superheroes’ values reflect or shape the culture, Cole said: “Think about where we are now, with this very vapid, unintelligent president and our world is crackling on the edges because of that.
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