Tuesday 25 April 2017

Why Avengers 4 Doesn't Have A Title Yet, According To Kevin Feige

Why Avengers 4 Doesn't Have A Title Yet, According To Kevin Feige

Following one year after Joe and Anthony Russo's The Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel Studios' upcoming The Avengers 4 is different from every other upcoming project in the franchise in one specific way: it's the only one without a title. While the project was originally called The Avengers: Infinity War Part 2, that name was taken away last year when it was revealed that it wasn't really an accurate description of the blockbuster.
Read more: http://www.cinemablend.com/news/1650510/why-avengers-4-doesnt-have-a-title-yet-according-to-kevin-feige?source=Snapzu

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