Tuesday 9 August 2016

Erasing the Pop-Culture Scholar, One Click at a Time

Erasing the Pop-Culture Scholar, One Click at a Time

Academics in the humanities—but particularly those who specialize in film, television, and comics—have come to view the pop-culture thinkpiece with dread. Decades of scholarship are erased by a single, viral essay that is presumed to be the first observation of some "new" phenomenon. If it were just a question of crediting the work of scholars, most of us would lick our wounds and slink away. But it’s not just that. What pains us more than the absent citation is the unsupported claim, the anachronistic parallel, the apocryphal anecdote. In other words, these thinkpieces almost always get it wrong.
Read more: http://chronicle.com/article/Erasing-the-Pop-Culture/237039?source=Snapzu

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