Tuesday 26 January 2016

How You Spend Your Life: A Cinematic Sum of the Hours, Days, and Years Spent on Mundane Activities

How You Spend Your Life: A Cinematic Sum of the Hours, Days, and Years Spent on Mundane Activities

An awakening anatomy of the average life’s two years of boredom, 6 months of watching commercials, 67 days of heartbreak, 3 weeks realizing you’re wrong, and 14 minutes of pure joy. That’s what English filmmaker, illustrator, and composer Temujin Doran explores in this film based on the title piece from neuroscientist David Eagleman’s book "Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives."
Read more: http://snapzu.com/gladsdotter/how-you-spend-your-life-a-cinematic-sum-of-the-hours-days-and-years-spent-on-mundane-activities

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