Saturday 28 February 2015

Missouri Is Now a National Program

Missouri Is Now a National Program

It's the team that Vegas doesn't know what to do with. Missouri isn't favored to win in nearly every game it plays but somehow has pulled off top recruits and 23 wins over the last two seasons, a number eclipsed only by Alabama. It simply keeps finding a way to defy the odds.

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Anthony Mason, bruising ex-Knicks forward, dead at 48

Anthony Mason, bruising ex-Knicks forward, dead at 48

Anthony Mason, who died Saturday morning, played 13 seasons in the NBA with six teams but is best remembered for his days with the Knicks.

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Harry Potter Secrets to Be Revealed by New J. K. Rowling Bibliography

Harry Potter Secrets to Be Revealed by New J. K. Rowling Bibliography

Recording the author’s weariness with revisions, and hugger mugger meetings over manuscripts, a new book collects ‘definitive’ behind-the-scenes stories.

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First Black NBA Player Passes Away

First Black NBA Player Passes Away

Earl Lloyd, the first black professional NBA player, passed away Thursday at the age of 86. Known as “the Big Cat,” the 6’5″ forward made his league debut in October 1950, playing for the Washington Capitals. During his legendary career, Lloyd averaged 8.4 points during 560 regular-season NBA games. Lloyd was also twice included in the CIAA All-America team and was three-time all-conference selection. Lloyd retired in 1960, after serving in the U.S. army, playing for...

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Danny and The Wild Bunch

Danny and The Wild Bunch

A children's book author is told that her new manuscript needs to be "darker," but when her revisions piss off the characters in the book, they come back to make some changes of their own.

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Will 'Parks and Recreation' Be the Last Great NBC Comedy?

Will 'Parks and Recreation' Be the Last Great NBC Comedy?

The departure of Parks and Recreation Tuesday night marked an even greater loss for TV than one might think. The show had an undeniably good run—seven seasons, with perhaps a slight quality dip in the middle before it rebounded for a grand sendoff. But its finale means there are now only three comedy programs currently broadcast by NBC: About a Boy, Marry Me and Undateable, not one of which is a crown jewel in the network's roster.

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Remember Leonard Nimoy with 12 great Spock moments

Remember Leonard Nimoy with 12 great Spock moments

We take a trip down memory lane to bid a fond farewell to a sci-fi icon.

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Friday 27 February 2015

Terminal Madness: A 1980 Documentary About Personal Computers

Terminal Madness: A 1980 Documentary About Personal Computers

This documentary was produced in 1980 for WMTV in Madison, Wisconsin. It contains interviews with several Madison residents who were exploring various uses for personal computer technology. Interesting contrast with just how pervasive computers are in our personal lives, and how much more technology has evolved today!

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Magical New Bookstore Opens Its Doors In Romania

Magical New Bookstore Opens Its Doors In Romania

Enter a magical new bookstore in Romania that sells books, music, movies and a peek into the past.

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The Billion Dollar Cockfighting Industry of the Philippines

The Billion Dollar Cockfighting Industry of the Philippines

In the Philippines, the 6,000 year-old sport of cockfighting has been transformed into a fully-legal, billion dollar industry. Known locally as sabong, it takes place in 2,500 dedicated stadiums across the country and kills an estimated 30 million roosters each year.

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AQUACRUSH interactive music video

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Harrison Ford to reprise role as Deckard in 'Blade Runner' sequel - CNET

Harrison Ford to reprise role as Deckard in 'Blade Runner' sequel - CNET

The original Rick Deckard returns in a sequel to Ridley Scott's sci-fi classic. Scott will executive produce while "Prisoners" director Denis Villeneuve has been tapped to helm the new film.

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Leonard Nimoy dead at 83

Leonard Nimoy dead at 83

Leonard Nimoy, who lived long and prospered, died Friday at his Los Angeles home.

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Spaniards turn against domestic violence football chant

Spaniards turn against domestic violence football chant

Tens of thousands of people have posted online messages of anger against Real Betis FC fans, because of a chant that seems to encourage domestic violence.

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American Sniper ballad reaches No 1 on country music chart

American Sniper ballad reaches No 1 on country music chart

Tribute to Chris Kyle, recorded by his friend Pete Scobell, is released just days after man who shot him is found guilty of murder.

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Chewing Tobacco Could Be Banned In California Ballparks

Chewing Tobacco Could Be Banned In California Ballparks

Two California lawmakers are teaming up to take on a classic trapping of American baseball: chewing tobacco. At a baseball field near the state capitol, Assemblyman Tony Thurmond introduced first-in-the-nation legislation on Wednesday that would prohibit the use of smokeless tobacco—including electronic cigarettes—wherever organized baseball is being played. San Francisco supervisor Mark Farrell is slated to introduce a similar bill in the coming days...

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Thursday 26 February 2015

Disney XD To Reboot 'Ducktales' Animated Series For 2017 Launch

Disney XD To Reboot 'Ducktales' Animated Series For 2017 Launch

Disney XD is revisiting Ducktales. The network said today that it has ordered a new animated comedy series based on the Emmy-winning series that aired from 1987-1990 as part of The Disney Afternoon daily syndicated cartoon block. The new series is slated to launch in 2017. Produced by Disney Television Animation, Ducktales will again star Disney’s iconic characters Scrooge McDuck, his grandnephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, and Donald Duck.

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River Island

River Island

By Jean-Pierre Braganza

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Following his dog's kidnapper through a relentlessly moving city, the warmhearted vagabond Dio discovers how far society has gone to keep up its pace.

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The Greatest Power Rangers Fan Film Ever.

The Greatest Power Rangers Fan Film Ever.

Adi Shankar Presents a Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Bootleg Film By Joseph Kahn. (original removed, check comments section)

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Five Things Alice in Wonderland Reveals about the Brain

Five Things Alice in Wonderland Reveals about the Brain

Lewis Carroll’s humble tale has inspired countless films, paintings, and even a ballet. What is less well known is the way it shaped our understanding of the brain. Not just Freudian psychology and analysis, but modern neuroscience.

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The First Death of an Athlete

The First Death of an Athlete

For the majority of his 18-year NBA career Steve Nash was a better basketball player than anyone had expected him to be. The wiry, soft-spoken, 6’3” Canadian—diminutive by League standards—was drafted with little fanfare out of the small collegiate program at Santa Clara, the only Division 1 school that offered him a scholarship. Nash remained in the league’s proverbial trenches for much of his first four seasons.

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Here's What's Coming And Going From Netflix In March

Here's What's Coming And Going From Netflix In March

February, a month that manages to be both the shortest of the year and the most interminable, is finally at death's door. And with the end of winter's final full month comes a new boatload of Netflix streaming options, along with quite a few that are getting the axe...for now. The bad news is, we're not getting many movies this month, but we arereceiving a few exciting original series, like Tina Fey's new show...

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Whoa, This Weird Retro Ad Imagines Birdman as a Real Action Figure

Whoa, This Weird Retro Ad Imagines Birdman as a Real Action Figure

Last fall, Fox Searchlight gave away limited-edition Birdman action figures as part of its marketing for the movie. Now, the Best Picture Oscar winner is reopening in cinemas—and getting a dose of new marketing, including a commercial for those toys.

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Wednesday 25 February 2015

GoPro: On the Ice With Sidney Crosby

GoPro: On the Ice With Sidney Crosby

Step 'On the Ice' with Sidney Crosby as he gives you a rare perspective into the skill sets that make him one of the most dynamic players in the National Hockey League.

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Baseball’s Fight With Fatigue

Baseball’s Fight With Fatigue

The Miami Marlins made national headlines this off-season with a stunning move: a 13-year, $325 million contract extension for slugger Giancarlo Stanton, the most lucrative deal ever for an American athlete. But that wasn’t all they did. Their most unusual winter acquisitions were never made public.

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Batman: Arkham Knight is Rated 'M'

Batman: Arkham Knight is Rated 'M'

Could Arkham Knight make Arkham City and Arkham Asylum look like sunshine and rainbows?

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ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul

ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul

While the world was watching the Academy Awards ceremony, the people of Mosul were watching a different show. They were horrified to see ISIS members burn the Mosul public library. Notables in Mosul tried to persuade ISIS members to spare the library, but they failed. The former assistant director of the library Qusai All Faraj said that the Mosul Public Library was established in 1921, the same year that saw the birth of the modern Iraq.

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"Welcome to Me" Official Trailer - Kristen Wiig and James Marsden

"Welcome to Me" Official Trailer - Kristen Wiig and James Marsden

What happens when a young woman with Borderline Personality Disorder wins the lottery? In the case of Alice Klieg, she quits her psychiatric meds and buys her own talk show. Inspired by the immortal Oprah, she broadcasts her dirty laundry as both a form of exhibitionism and a platform to share her peculiar views on everything from nutrition to relationships to neutering pets. Also starring Wes Bentley, James Marsden, Tim Robbins, Joan Cusack, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Linda Cardellini.

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Alice Neel’s Illustrations of “The Brothers Karamazov”

Alice Neel’s Illustrations of “The Brothers Karamazov”

Neel, known for her penetrating portraiture, drew eight scenes from Dostoevsky’s famous novel for an edition that was never published. A new collection of her drawings shows how well the black storm cloud of Neel’s pen is suited to Dostoyevsky’s questions of God, reason, and doubt.

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Former Al-Qaeda Double Agent Says Muslims Must Fight Extremism

Former Al-Qaeda Double Agent Says Muslims Must Fight Extremism

A former jihadist who became an Al-Qaeda double agent says Muslims must do more to tackle extremism in their midst.He was speaking in Paris, where his book "Agent Storm: My Life Inside Al-Qaeda and the CIA" is about to be released in French.

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The Premier League TV Deal - Master And Servant

The Premier League TV Deal - Master And Servant

Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore is a man accustomed to dealing with large numbers, but even he struggled to believe just how much his negotiating team had secured in the latest auction for the rights to broadcast his “product” in the UK. The amount was an astonishing £5.136 billion for the three-year cycle starting in the 2016/17 season, which represented a 70% increase on the current £3 billion deal.

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Toronto Tunnel Posed No Threat to Pan Am Games, Police Say

Toronto Tunnel Posed No Threat to Pan Am Games, Police Say

Toronto police say they don’t know who built a mysterious tunnel near York University and a venue for this summer's Pan Am Games, or what may have been the motivation for it, but they are seeking the public's help in trying to determine the answers.

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Tiananmen Square ‘Negatives’: An Art Book or a Protest?

Tiananmen Square ‘Negatives’: An Art Book or a Protest?

When paging through Xu Yong’s book of negatives of the 1989 demonstrations, readers can unlock the full images with an iPhone.

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Tax-Paying NFL Fans Win the Battle for L.A.

Tax-Paying NFL Fans Win the Battle for L.A.

Last week, both the San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders announced plans to join forces to build a $1.7 billion stadium in Carson, Calif., just outside Los Angeles. Once again, there would be no tax dollars involved in the stadium’s privately funded construction.

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How Madden Ratings Are Made

How Madden Ratings Are Made

Hunched over a keyboard, surrounded by computer monitors, Donny Moore, 37, controls the fate of the National Football League. Its players throw as hard as Moore wants. They run as fast as he says they should. And the stars of America’s most popular sport aren’t always delighted by his judgments. Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton, for instance, was upset. “I want to talk about my speed,” Moore remembers Newton saying as he clambered into Moore’s cubicle last April.

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Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Insiders

The Insiders

A short film about indoor climbing featuring Paul Robinson, Sasha DiGiulian, Vasya Vorotnikov, and Ashima Shiraishi. Presented by Central Rock Gym in Worcester, MA, Rockwerx, prAna, Teknik, and e-grips. "There's an infinite number of movements that can be done in the climbing gym..."

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Danny L Harle interview

Danny L Harle interview

Meet Danny L Harle, the PC Music pop producer - and contemporary classical composer - whose music is characterised by a sense of wonder and imagination.

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Google Bans Porn on Blogger

Google Bans Porn on Blogger

The next time you're about to upload porn to Google's Blogger, you better think twice.

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Marshall Miller Jumps Into the Unknown

Marshall Miller Jumps Into the Unknown

GoPro athlete Marshall Miller BASE jumps into the foggy unknown in Lauterbrennen, Switzerland.

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And The Best Native Ad Award Goes To...

And The Best Native Ad Award Goes To...

Although the Super Bowl is still “king” when it comes to TV ad space, annual award shows like the Oscars and the Grammys are also very attractive to advertisers. For the recent Grammy Awards, 30-second commercials went for $1 million apiece, while half-minute ads for this year’s Oscar telecast are selling for $1.9 million. But it’s not just the content of the ads that’s unique, it’s the very nature of the ad experience as a whole.

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Cat Didga 'Drops In' at Skateboard Park! Go Didga Go!

Cat Didga 'Drops In' at Skateboard Park! Go Didga Go!

Didga takes her skateboarding skills to the skateboard parks, and, yes, she "drops in." Only her natural ability and years of skateboarding practice allow her to execute such advanced skateboard moves. Okay, that along with some creative camera work.

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Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour wins Oscar

Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour wins Oscar

Citizenfour has won the Oscar for best documentary, for its director Laura Poitras, editor Mathilde Bonnefoy and producer Dirk Wilutzky. Collecting the award, Poitras, flanked by journalist and collaborator Glenn Greenwald, said: “The disclosures of Edward Snowden don’t only expose a threat to our privacy but to our democracy itself. When the decisions that rule us are taken in secret we lose the power to...

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Public Service Broadcasting, 'The Race For Space'

Public Service Broadcasting, 'The Race For Space'

Using samples from vintage news broadcasts and in-flight NASA chatter, a British duo tells the story of the Space Age's first 15 years.

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Public Service Broadcasting, 'The Race For Space'

Public Service Broadcasting, 'The Race For Space'

Using samples from vintage news broadcasts and in-flight NASA chatter, a British duo tells the story of the Space Age's first 15 years.

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‘Two and a Half Men’: TV’s Worst Sitcom Ends As Terribly As It Lived, and I Watched Every Episode

‘Two and a Half Men’: TV’s Worst Sitcom Ends As Terribly As It Lived, and I Watched Every Episode

At least it was consistent?

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Codebreaker: The story of Alan Turing

Codebreaker: The story of Alan Turing

An interesting documentary on the life of Alan Turing, famous for his hand in breaking the Enigma Code and cultivating the seed for the computing industry, but sadly persecuted for his homosexuality. A much rawer take compared to The Imitation Game!

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Oscar-Winning Art Director on Creating the Grand Budapest Hotel

Oscar-Winning Art Director on Creating the Grand Budapest Hotel

Art director Adam Stockhausen discusses how he designed an imaginary hotel in the fictional country of Zubrowka.

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Citizenfour (Full documentary, 2014)

Citizenfour (Full documentary, 2014)

A documentarian and a reporter travel to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with Edward Snowden.

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Monday 23 February 2015

American Horror Story's Ben Woolf Struck by Car Mirror and in Critical Condition

American Horror Story's Ben Woolf Struck by Car Mirror and in Critical Condition

Ben Woolf, who played Meep on American Horror Story: Freak Show, was struck in the head by a car mirror and is now in critical condition, TMZ reports. Everything you've missed on American Horror Story so far. The 4'4" actor was crossing a street in Hollywood Thursday night when a passing SUV struck Woolf in the head. The actor was taken to the hospital where he remains in intensive care.

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